Sunday, May 11, 2014

Re-routed---The Painted Turtle!

May 9th and 10th-San Francisquito Canyon Road to California Aquaduct 

The Powerhouse Fire started May 30th, 2013. It burned 24 residences and thousands of acres. The fire also burned some of the outlying facilities at The Painted Turtle. Then an intense winter storm came and erosion and raveling took place. As a result the trail was closed from San Francisquito Canyon Road until nearly Hikertown.

The bad news is it requires nearly a 25 mile road walk as the re-route. The good news is the road walk is relatively safe, and it leads hikers right by The Painted Turtle!!!  Some of my new hiker friends now know about the great work the camp does!  

Ninja Tank, Hemlock, Whitewater, Jolly, Me Too, and Kim Chi at the entrance to The Painted Turtle. 

Sadly, The Painted Turtle could not operate in 2013 as a result of the fire and smoke damage, but, it's back up and running this year!!! The tenth anniversary celebration for the camp is next weekend, May 17th. I will be taking a zero day and coming back to volunteer for the festivities. 

Our friends from volunteering at The Painted Turtle, Pops and Sherry, let us stay with them at their wonderful home in Lake Hughes for two nights. They are legends at the camp for all they do, and Pops even made the national news (NBC) for his actions in protecting the camp during the fire. Again, showers, a real bed, and great company help make this hike really special.

Each camper gets a turtle pillow to take home with them from camp. These turtles are very special momentos from their camp experience, and there is sheer delight when they receive their special pillow!  

took a break at The Painted Turtle and showed off my new pack decoration BSCM and Sharleen Rainville made for the pack. 

Reroute completed, and back on the trail.

The picture doesn't do this poppy field justice. 

Hikertown is a popular trail angel encampment at the start of the Mojave Desert portion of the trail. 

I finish, for now, here at the California Aquaduct at mile 519. Now it's time to take another zero day, May 11th, to watch my San Francisco Giants play in LA. The next 150 miles or so is the daunting Mojave Desert.