Life goes on outside the realm of the trail.
Three months on the trail definitely increased my strength, endurance, and speed. I took advantage of those changes in this four day period.
Air mattress frustrations continue. I keep fixing slow leaks near the valve stem. I am able to find these leaks when there are places with bathtubs or quiet, standing water. After repairs there were repeated new slow leaks. Consistently I have to refill the air mattress one, two, or even three times a night. It works like an unscheduled alarm clock, waking me up during the nights.
Monday-July 14-Big Question
Burney Falls State Park was the starting point for the day's hike. I have driven by here many times in the past thirty plus years, but never seemed to have the time to stop and see the falls. It is worth seeing.
The trail goes right over the dam which forms Lake Britton.
After crossing Lake Britton I climbed and then stopped at Rock Creek in the heat of the day. There was a little pool and it was nice for cooling off. Later I learned from many others othat I had missed the "best swimming hole on the PCT" downstream about 200 feet. That's what happens if one doesn't pay attention to some of the available PCT information.
I had the same pair of reading glasses for the entire hike. At Mill Creek, about mile 400, I stepped on them and broke off one arm. They still worked. I took gentle ribbing about finding another way to cut down weight like a true ultra light hiker. Finally, the second arm broke off and it was very inconvenient. Theresa brought a new pair when she and Ashley came to Burney. I lost the new pair the first day somewhere near Rock Creek. The old, broken glasses came out of reserve. They lasted 106 days, and would have to work a few more.
Quite a vegetation change takes place from a few days before and the desolate Hat Creek Rim.
The views of Mt Shasta dominated the horizon.
Luckily, when I was a bit above Lake Britton, I realized I had cell service. A text message and a voicemail came in indicating Travis, my daughter Ashley's boyfriend, would like to propose to Ashley in the evening. He wanted my okay. I never had the chance to talk directly with him, but I left a voicemail and a text letting him know I was absolutely okay with him proposing, in fact thrilled. This was Ashley's birthday, and I think she'll remember this one for quite a while.
There wasn't service later in the day so I had to wait until the next day to learn she said yes!
July 15-Tuesday-Big Mile Day
With the excitement of the proposal, and Ashley saying yes, plans were made for me to meet Travis' parents for the first time for dinner on Thursday evening. To accomplish this my pace had to increase. The trail was perfect, but a little hot, for a big day. Twenty-eight miles later I had no problem sleeping! I was confident after this day I would even be able to clean up a bit before meeting the Dooleys on Thursday.
With the excitement came early hiking and nice views.
The sound of log trucks, feller-bunchers, and logging activity were in the air. It brought back so many memories.
I was thrilled with a 28 mile day. Someday I hope to get a 30 mile day, maybe in Oregon.
July 16-Wednesday-Two Hills to Slower Progress
There were warnings about poison oak. Yes there was plenty around, but I could show folks some places in Happy Camp that would make this look like child's play.
Out of caution for the poison oak I wore long pants for most of the day, until the zipper failed for the last time.
I tried for a while going with one long pant leg, and one short. That didn't work. It was shorts the rest of the way to Castella.
Max, a computer networker from San Jose, and I leap frogged quite a bit for a couple of days.
Two inclines slowed progress, but it was still good for me, about 24 miles.
We camped at the same campsite, and it rained a few times through the night. After discussions he realized he had met Theresa a few months ago near The Painted Turtle.
July 17-Thursday-1500 Miles
I passed the 1500 mile mark on the downhill journey headed toward Castella. This screen shot of the Halfmile app shows location on the trail, and is extremely useful with information on what is ahead, and navigation.
The overcast, sprinkles, and cool made for quick hiking in the morning. Theresa met me where the PCT crosses under I-5 by the Sacramento River.
There would be plenty of time to clean up, I thought. Then Theresa informed me we would be meeting Travis' mother on the way through Yreka to transfer house keys. The first time she met me I was filthy, had the hiker smell, and was lucky I had only gone four days without a shower and running around in the same trail worn clothes! What a first impression.
Travis' mom, Patty, was very polite about my appearance.
It was time to clean up for the real meet and greet with the new part of the family in the evening. One shower isn't enough for such an occasion with such deep filth.
Ashley and Travis showed me their new home. It is such an exciting time for them, a baby on the way, a new home, and getting married. The last few months have been a whirlwind for them.
I was ready for a nero and a night at home for the first time in nearly four months. It's nice to be close enough to home for such a treat!
Done hiking for the day at mile 1505 near Castella, California.