I knew it was going to be a long stretch today, so I ate a big breakfast. I used up all the energy the breakfast had provided, and still had a long way to go to real food.
Before they left, my friends Rick and Nancy left me with a gallon zip lock baggy of things like Smarties, nuts, trail bars, hard candy, and the appropriately named Lifesavers. That was enough energy to get me to the far off restaurant:)
I ordered the regular, fish soup. It was always good before, this time it disappointed, but I ate it all anyway.
Later I came across a street fair. I made it all the way to Ribadesella, and am staying in an albergue. Eight people in the room, 60 total. Very few speaking English tonight. Not the amenities of a hotel room, but, more interesting. It’s fun!
It’s a challenge putting together a string of longer days together, but, looking at the schedule I’m getting excited about the results. In the evenings I wonder what I was thinking. In the mornings, once I’m actually walking, then I remember.
In the next day or two I have to make the decision of whether to turn off to the Camino Primitivo (the original plan) or continue on the Camino Norte.
It only rained about half as much as yesterday, substantial, but not like yesterday.
It still strikes me as funny that I slept in Poo last night. I’m sixty-seven, that’s the kind of humor for a seven year old. Will I ever grow up?
About 18 miles today.