Lot’s early in the day in industrial area. Then into forestry operations that looked real familiar but much smaller materials. I talked with the “loader operator” and he said all material was being used for paper pulp. A beautiful town of Avilés along the way.
Good Day:)
If you go by my phone, I walked 26 miles today. According to my book, and converting from Km, I did 29.95 miles.
Whichever was right, I walked a long way:)
By chance I ended up in a perfect albergue, just as dinner was about to be served, and they had a bed. It’s the smallest albergue I’ve seen, only 12 beds. Dinner was perfect. Only 3 speak English, Patrick from Switzerland who I keep running in to from the first day, me, and a woman, Tonita, who lives in Portland, used to live in San Francisco. She has been to Etna, and spent a lot of time in Mt Shasta.
The best part is a place to stay and shower, dinner, and breakfast tomorrow with interesting people for €27. That’s a great deal!
I completed two stages in one day! I’m really excited about that, I won’t be stressed at the end of the trip if I get a little ahead of schedule.
It didn’t rain all day, and, my toe did better.
Dinner as a group was fun. Mostly German, a little Dutch, I think, some French, and very little English.
What a hoot. I’m the first one in bed. I’m exhausted in Muros de Nalón.