Just a tourist day in Lisbon. I’m often corrected to Lisboa. Beautiful boat ride and learned historical fun trivia. The same guy who designed the Golden Gate Bridge designed this bridge In Lisbon. The top layer is for cars, the second layer is for trains.
The massive ship monument is in honor of famous Portuguese sailors such as Vasco de Gama, Magellan etc. I probably should have known all the others too, but I must have miissed the wrong day in a history class long ago.
An old fortress, about 500 years old, used to protect Lisbon from invaders is the castle looking thing it was also used as a prison. An old aqueduct.
I tried to use the train and subway system today. It has some major flaws, so I eventually stuck with taxis, and walked.
A boat ride on the major river was nice.
I’m settled in early for the evening.